“Metaverse Madness”

Have you heard about the metaverse? Are you living in the metaverse already? Why is Facebook now called Meta? And do you need to take out a second mortgage and buy the new Apple Vision Pro glasses? Josh and Betsy are here to guide you through all these issues and more, so bring your “main character energy” and leave your NPC attitude behind as we jump into another exciting episode of “Intersect: Where Church Meets Culture”.

Items Discussed:

 “We’ve Lost the Plot”— The Atlantic Article

“Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”— Book Betsy discussed

Suggestions for future episodes? Email us at intersect@nepres.com

Intersect Podcast is a ministry of Northeast Presbyterian Church. The views expressed on this podcast are those of Josh and Betsy Desch and are not intended to be presented as the official views of NEPC. Please see our Intersect Podcast landing page for further information.