Our Beliefs
NEPC is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a denomination whose identifying statement is “Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith and Obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ” and whose doctrines are formally expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith together with its Larger and Shorter Catechisms. We believe in the following:
- The authority and truth of Scripture as God’s holy and inerrant Word
- The deity, substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ
- The future return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords
- The immediate opportunity to receive the gift of eternal life through repentance of sins and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
- The gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit to all believers
Our Values
GATHERING (Learn more about Sundays at NEPC Here)
- Celebrating God In Worship
- Sharing Life Together
GROWING (Learn more about Discipleship Opportunites Here)
- Learning and Living Out God’s Word
- Multiplying Mature Disciples of Christ
GOING (Learn more about Serving Here)
- Reflecting Christ’s Love to Our Neighbors and Community
- Promoting the Gospel of Christ Locally and Globally
Our History
- September 23, 1979 – First worship service in WildeWood School gymnasium (now St. John Neumann School).
- July 20, 1980 – Congregation calls organizing Pastor George Crow to be permanent pastor.
- September 25, 1983 – First worship service on the Polo Road campus in what is now the High School Auditorium.
- December 3, 1989 – GOD MADE IT GROW campaign culminates with first worship in current Sanctuary.
- September 2004 – Special 25th Anniversary worship services and festivities.
- January 8, 2006 – Dedication of new “Chapter Three” facilities.
- September 2016 – Dedication of renovated sanctuary.
- May 2020 – Retirement of Senior Pastor Dr. George Crow.
- July 19, 2020 – Installation of new Lead Pastor Josh Desch.
Lead Pastor

Our Legacy