Welcome to Women’s Ministry at Northeast Presbyterian Church.  Our hearts are connected to Christ and each other by gathering, growing and going together.  We seek God’s grace and power to unite as one body and one Spirit in Him – one hope that belongs to our call as servants together in Christ. With gratitude, we serve Him as our one Lord, with one faith, one baptism, all for our one God and Father of all.  We invite you to link hearts and hands, walking together as women who gather, grow and go, righteous in Him as we thrive in Christ!

MARIA CURREY, Director of Women’s Ministry

Get Connected With Women’s Ministry


Sunday, November 17, 2024
5:00-6:00 pm


A morning set apart to set your heart for the year ahead.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

7:30am – noon


NEPC’s signature in-depth Bible study for women features personal study, small-group discussion. teachings and commentary readings. A Children’s program is offered for preschoolers (ages 3 and up) and homeschoolers. Nursery is available.

Visit the FOCUS WEBPAGE for more details and forms.

Thursdays this Fall, September 12 – October 31.

“No Other Gods” by Kelly Minter

Spring Session: January 9 – March 6

“Luke: Gut Level Compassion” by Lisa Harper

Contact Tammy Wood 803-553-1775 or at tammywood767@gmail.com

Anchored in Christ, Anchored in His Word, Anchored in Community

SAVE THE DATE! Anchor Kickoff is Monday, January 27th, 2025.

Join an Anchor Discipleship Group, and you’ll grow in your relationship with God through:

  • An inter-generational, life-on-life small group that provides a safe and nurturing place to discover your distinctive calling as a woman.
  • Monthly group meetings in homes that include Bible study, encouragement, accountability, and prayer support for all seasons of life!

Please contact Tara Fox at TFox@nepres.com

SISTERS IN CHRIST: An Adult Sunday School Class for women whose hearts are united through fellowship, prayer and the study and application of God’s Word.

Sundays, 11:00 a.m., Room C302
Contact: Edith Brown 803-736-0895


A small group opportunity for fellowship, spiritual enrichment, and service. Circles meet on the second week of the month from September through May. Please contact a Circle leader if interested.

Daughters of the King – Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., C-203

Contact Sharon Spring – slspring26@sc.rr.com or 803-234-6433

Circle of Faith – Tuesday, 10:00 a.m., C-201

Contact Ceci Mooneyhan -cecimooneyhan46@gmail.com or 843-992-6322

Gleaners – Wednesday, 11:30 a.m., various homes.

Contact Jo Hucks – hucksbj45@gmail.com or 803-530-3607

The Julie Vanderpool Quilters of NEPC are continuing to work in our ministry of sharing our love of quilting with others. We would love to have you sit in for a session if you would like to learn more. We meet each month on the 1st, 3rd and 5th (if there is one) Wednesday evening at 6:30 in Room A-102. Come let us share our joy with you.

Have you thought you might want to find out more about the ministry of the Julie Vanderpool Quilters of NEPC? Well, hopefully, we’ve made it easier for you to visit.

One can participate no matter what season of life or skill level. Sharing lives around quilts has been a nurturing feature for generations and the completed quilts touch needy hearts locally and around the world. Come try us out! To find out more, contact Cathy Tisdale, 803-736-1561.

Annual Quilt Sale — Sunday, November 3

Women’s Ministry Staff

We are here to assist you and get you connected into the Women’s Ministry opportunities here at NEPC.

Maria Currey
Maria CurreyDirector of Women's Ministry
Tara Fox
Tara FoxWomen's Ministry Coordinator


601 Polo Road
Columbia,South Carolina 29223

Worship Services

In-Person Worship 9:30 AM





 Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am – 4:00pm
Fridays 8:30am -12:00pm

Get Connected

Northeast Presbyterian Church connects people to God and each other through Christ by gathering, growing and going.

Follow us on social media to get connected.