What Is The Purpose Of The NEPC Hospitality Ministry?

The Hospitality Ministry at NEPC is comprised of volunteers who serve in areas to engage both our members and visitors.

The purpose of the NEPC Hospitality Ministry is to serve the church family by serving food and creating engaging atmosphere during fellowship events.
Church members with the desire to serve others will find true fulfillment in this ministry.

Volunteering and Serving Opportunities


  • Greeters serve at the doors of our church to welcome all who come to NEPC. They are our first line of connection with both current and new members, as well as guests. In addition, greeters serve at our Welcome Desk to help visitors navigate Discipleship Hour opportunities, connect with various ministries at NEPC, and answer any questions they might have.

  • Greeters serve from 9:00 – 9:30 on Sunday mornings on dates of their choosing.

  • To help serve as a Greeter please contact Julie Palekas at jpalekas@nepres.com

  • If you are a current member of the Greeter Team, click below to sign up for a date to serve.

Sign Up!


  • Ushers create a comfortable and conducive atmosphere for worship, greeting folks as they enter our worship venues, distributing bulletins, assisting with seating, and providing direction during our services.

  • Ushers serve on a team for a month, three or four times a year at the following times:

    • 9:30 AM Worship Service
  • To help serve as an Usher contact Pastor Eric Walter at ewalter@nepres.com


  • Hospitality teams sets-up, replenish, and break-down the coffee services each Sunday morning.  Everyone needs a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus.

  • Hospitality teams serve one Sunday a month at the following times:

    • 8:15 for set-up
    • 12:00 for breakdown
  • To serve on a Hospitality Team, please contact hospitality@nepres.com


  • Volunteers who help plan, set-up, serve and clean-up for events which support the life of the church family.

Why Serve?

Serving the church family is what we are all about. Jesus encouraged us to practice hospitality and in this ministry there are many opportunities to just that. We enjoy working in the kitchen to make every meal event a special one where the food and the fellowship together meet the physical and spiritual needs of those who come. Whether we are decorating for Christmas or arranging the Easter Lilies, there are always fulfilling ways to use the gifts God has given us to serve His people.



  • These two events are for men and women who help decorate the church campus for the Christmas season.

  • To help serve on the  Decking and Undecking Team contact Pastor Eric Walter at ewalter@nepres.com

The Vision of Northeast Presbyterian Church

CONNECTING people to GOD and each other through Christ by gathering, growing and going.

Follow us on social media to get connected.

Serving is a great way to get connected within our church family. Please reach out, and contact us if you are interested in serving in the Hospitality Ministries or simply have more questions.

Pastor Eric Walter
Pastor Eric WalterPastor of Congregational Care


601 Polo Road
Columbia,South Carolina 29223

Worship Services

In-Person Worship 9:30 AM





 Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am – 4:00pm
Fridays 8:30am -12:00pm

Get Connected

Northeast Presbyterian Church connects people to God and each other through Christ by gathering, growing and going.

Follow us on social media to get connected.