What Is The Purpose Of Missions and Outreach?

 It is our desire to obey Christ’s Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations.” We do this locally by working in partnership with many local organizations, through financial support and volunteer efforts. We also support several national ministries. NEPC supports its International Staff around the world, as well as its Domestic Staff in the U.S.

The NEPC Circle of Welcome is working with Lutheran Services Carolina to welcome a family of Congolese refugees to the United States. The Circle has been tasked with setting up their housing here in Columbia by providing furnishings and supplies such as: used furniture (no beds); linens and other household supplies; kitchen items; cleaning supplies; and toiletries. We have identified space at the church to store the items. Please contact David Tait (540-207-8336) if you have items to contribute.

How YOU can help:

  • Prayer

  • Cookies: Store bought, individually wrapped.

  • Monetary: Click here to donate.

Contact Donna Corrao, dmcorrao@yahoo.com, for more information.


Child Evangelism Fellowship

Club Beyond-YL Military

The Cooperative Ministry

CRU Campus Ministry

Daybreak Pregnancy Center

HIS International

Lifeline Children’s Services

A Moment Of Hope

Oliver Gospel Mission & Toby’s Place

The Salvation Army

Transitions Homeless Center

NE Columbia Young Life


One Way Ministries-Streams of Living Water

Christian Ministries International

Kenya Mercy Ministries

Third Millennium Ministries

Our Mission Statement has two “value” components:

  1. To spread the Gospel message and make Christ known – by supporting missionaries and ministries that spread the Gospel and help integrate new converts into the local body of Christ.
  2. To advance the spiritual growth of NEPC members – by providing ways to equip, encourage, and engage our members in missions and outreach opportunities.

We believe NEPC has the potential to be a “sending” church and take a more active part in reaching many peoples and nations for Christ. It is our desire to glorify God through increased participation by NEPC members for the growth and well being of our Lord’s Kingdom.

We believe the Bible teaches that every believer has a calling to be part of the mission of the body of Christ, and that this calling is carried out through works of service according to the gifts and enablement of the Holy Spirit given to every believer.

Opportunities for you to get involved:

Mission Trips are taken annually to different parts of the globe. Many mission trip team members choose to go year after year once they have experienced the blessings such a trip brings. Is God tugging on your heart to join us?

Volunteer Opportunities are available with several local ministries. Please see our list below of our Ministry Partnerships.

Christmas Outreach is a mercy ministry that provides a Christmas meal and gifts to selected needy families in the Northeast area of Columbia. NEPC members can participate by purchasing gifts for family members, making a financial contribution and/or assisting in the actual outreach which is held at NEPC on a Saturday close to Christmas.

Missions and Outreach events are held throughout the year to help our congregation connect more personally with our missionaries and ministries, to encourage awareness and support of missions in general, and to highlight future mission trips and ministry opportunities.

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:35-38, ESV)

Learn More About Missions and Outreach

How do you get connected? What part can you play locally and/or globally? Please contact us to start getting you connected in serving.

Manny Rodriguez
Manny RodriguezDirector of Missions and Outreach


601 Polo Road
Columbia,South Carolina 29223

Worship Services

In-Person Worship 9:30 AM





 Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am – 4:00pm
Fridays 8:30am -12:00pm

Get Connected

Northeast Presbyterian Church connects people to God and each other through Christ by gathering, growing and going.

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