Get Involved with Traditional Music
Want to get involved with music for traditional worship? Find out more...
Want to get involved with music for traditional worship? Find out more...
Take a look back at our summer series on what "Worship Is..."
Worship is more than personal preference. It leads us on a journey of discovering the depth and riches of God's infinite love and power.
God is working to set captives free and worship is a place where that frequently happens.
Our heart matters first, but our bodies are an extension of our heart and built to be used in expressing worship to our worthy God.
God wants to heal us, and that often comes through processing our emotions in His presence where we find a safe and loving Father who desires nothing but the best for us.
There is nothing evil that will come from offering praise to God. It is pure and right and worth every second you spend on it.
If you’ll open yourself to singing to the Lord, not just in Sunday worship, but anytime and anywhere, you’ll find a place of expression where your heart may not yet have gone.
God wants relationship with his children, not religious ritual void of engagement at the heart level.
Worship happens when we see God, who He is, and what He has done, not just in scripture or in others' lives around us, but in our own life.