Worship is a way of life that takes place not just at 11:00 on Sunday morning, but every other hour of the week (John 4:20-24). Through this “Call To Worship,” we want to share some thoughts about worship, scripture verses, hymns, and songs to teach and encourage you as you seek His face daily and then hopefully together with us on Sunday!
This Week at Traditional Worship (10:00)
Maria Currey, Assistant Director of Music – Traditional
Hymn Highlight – “Take My Life and Let It Be” by Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879)
The story of “Take My Life” gives a good picture of the kind of passion and joy Frances Havergal had in ministering to others. In her own words, she described the way this hymn was pressed upon her heart. “I went for a little visit of five days. There were ten persons in the house, some unconverted and long prayed for, some converted but not rejoicing Christians. He gave me the prayer, ‘Lord, give me all in this house!’ And He just did! Before I left the house every one had received a blessing. The last night of my visit I was too happy to sleep, and passed most of the night in praise and renewal of my own consecration, and these little couplets formed themselves and chimed in my heart one after another, till they finished with, ‘Ever, ONLY, ALL for Thee!’”
In her own words, the hymn is a “consecration hymn” in which the singer commits all of her possessions and being to the Lord for His purposes. It expresses what each of us ought to feel and long for, even if at times we see so much disparity between the words and our actual state that we have to sing most of it in hope and faith. May this be our hymn and prayer of hope and faith as we sing, “Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee!”
This Week at Contemporary Worship (11:15)
Kerri Roberts, Assistant Director of Music – Contemporary
2 Chronicles 20:21
And when [Jehoshaphat] had taken counsel with the people, he appointed those who were to sing to the LORD and praise him in holy attire, as they went before the army, and say, “Give thanks to the LORD, for his steadfast love endures forever.”
Worship holds a very important place as we go out and make disciples in the name of Jesus. As we see in the Old Testament, the appointed worshipers were commanded to be sent out in front of the army of the Israelites as they entered into battle. Proclaiming the goodness and steadfast love of the Lord, they prepared the field for battle. The same is true now as we enter into spiritual battle for the souls of our friends, loved ones, and the lost around the world.
John Piper said, “Missions exists because worship does not.” As we prepare our hearts for corporate worship this week, let us consider how we may spur one another on through our worship, encouraging one another, and preparing the field for battle, that all may see and hear and worship the name of the Lord.
From our new song for this week: “What A Savior” by Laura Story
Jesus You are stronger
More than any other
Hallelujah what a Savior
Jesus You are higher
My soul’s deepest desire
Hallelujah You are Savior