Holy Week, as it is traditionally observed in the Church, begins on Palm Sunday with Jesus entering Jerusalem during the season of Passover, and culminates on Easter Sunday with the resurrection of our Lord. It is the highest of Christian celebrations as the resurrection is the very foundation of our faith.
So what is this “Holy Week Experience” that you see referenced in the picture above? It is about journeying through Holy Week together, day-by-day, and we invite YOU to join us for it!
PALM SUNDAY | April 10th, 2022
9:30 AM Worship Service at NEPC ( In-person and Livestream )
EXPERIENCE the Triumphal Entry
MONDAY | April 11th, 2022
6:30 PM Pastoral Reflection on NEPC YouTube Channel
EXPERIENCE the Journey
Bible Passage – Mark 11:15-19
Reflection – Jesus Cleanses the Temple
TUESDAY | April 12th, 2022
6:30 PM Pastoral Reflection on NEPC YouTube Channel
EXPERIENCE the Journey
Bible Passage – Mark 12:1-12
Reflection – Jesus’ Authority Challenged
WEDNESDAY | April 13th, 2022
6:30 PM Pastoral Reflection on NEPC YouTube Channel
EXPERIENCE the Journey
Bible Passage – Mark 13
Reflection – Fall of Jerusalem
MAUNDY THURSDAY | April 14th, 2022
6:30 PM Communion Service at NEPC (In-person and Livestream )
**childcare provided for infants through 4-year-olds**
EXPERIENCE the Last Supper
GOOD FRIDAY | April 15th, 2022
6:30 PM Worship Service at NEPC ( In-person and Livestream )
**childcare provided for infants through 4-year-olds**
EXPERIENCE the Crucifixion of Jesus
SATURDAY | April 16th, 2022
6:30 PM Pastoral Reflection on the NEPC YouTube Channel
EXPERIENCE the Journey
Bible Passage – Mark 15: 42-47
Reflection – Burial of Jesus
EASTER SUNDAY | April 16th, 2022
9:30 AM Worship Service at NEPC ( In-person and Livestream )
**childcare provided for infants through 4-year-olds**
EXPERIENCE the Resurrection
The Vision of Northeast Presbyterian Church
CONNECTING people to GOD and each other through Christ by gathering, growing and going.
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