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Prayer Needs

  • For the children who will hear the Gospel and those who have made decisions of faith to stay connected through a local church
  • For the students and volunteers who teach and interact with the children
  • For wisdom and direction for the board and staff
  • For continued growth of the ministry and the financial support they need to grow

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Volunteer Opportunities

  • Board members needed to serve as advisors to the ministry
  • Churches needed to participate in the Adopt-A-School Ministry at local elementary schools by providing individuals/teams to conduct weekly Good News Clubs
  • Transportation for summer missionaries to and from 5-Day Clubs (June/July)

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Other Needs

  • Bibles for Children of the various clubs
  • Website manager to update website as needed
  • Computer network support
  • Office space remodeling-cabinet installation/painting

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Want to get involved or learn more about the programs? E-mail columbiamid@cef-sc.org or call the office (803) 798-4405. You can also visit their website: www.cefcolumbiamidlands.org

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