“May we think of freedom, not as the right
to do as we please, but as the
opportunity to do what is right.”
~Peter Marshall~
Happy Birthday, America! Enjoy your week as we remember the privileges we enjoy as a result of God’s grace to our nation. As part of my celebration, I fete’ my liberation from doing a Word of the Week this week! 🙂
And next time you’re at church, check out our “patriotic” selections as well as some new fiction and nonfiction for adults and children. You’ll find them on our FEATURED SHELVES in front of the Grand Hall and beneath our Music CD shelf next to the Lamppost desk.
A reminder that REGISTRATION for our CHILDREN’S NO STRESS READING CLUB ENDS THIS SUNDAY, JULY 9th, so if you have not signed up your child(ren)ages 3 to 17, do so by this Sunday! Registration forms may be found at the lamppost desk.
And if your child is already a member, read, read, read and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy through August 13.
We are your Lamppost… lighting up your world with reading to light your way to HIM… the only true KING of this world and the next…. JESUS CHRIST!