“If you would tell me the heart of a man,
tell me not what he reads, but what
he re-reads.”
~Francois Mauriac~
There’s a lot of truth in this sentence, isn’t there? And while your librarian LOVES navigating heretofore (Word of the Week) UNPLUMBED literary waters, she does also love re-visiting old book friends!
A couple of my favorites? In fiction, To Kill A Mockingbird (re-read 5 or 6 times), and Jan Karon’s Mitford series (3 or 4 times, re-reading now). In nonfiction, Pleasing God (R.C. Sproul—3rd reading) and Rick Warren’s A Purpose Driven Life (5 to 6)!
Why do I impart this particular piece of literary information? To let you know that all of the above titles plus MANY MORE oldies-but-goodies as well as some new arrivals are now gracing our Lamppost FEATURED BOOK SHELVES! Expect to see some classic titles each week interspersed among with some newer stuff in fiction and nonfiction. Give them a look!
And while on the subject of reading and books, a final SHOUT OUT to all of our Children’s Summer Reading Club members! 100,000+ PAGES READ! SO PROUD of you all! And parents: I have left your kids’ Reading Logs at the Lamppost desk should you wish to have them back. (I know some moms need to keep for their records.) You’ll find them in an ACCORDIAN FOLDER on the book cart behind the Lamppost desk!
A REMINDER ABOUT BOOK DONATIONS: While I LOVE receiving them, with our big Book Sale looming, I AM NOT ACCEPTING ANY DONATIONS RIGHT NOW. Only exceptions are GENTLY USED CHILDRENS’ AND JUVENILE FICTION (picture books and chapter books.) Thanks for your help.
We are our Lamppost… home of the old and the new but always the finest in reading, listening, and viewing… all to light up your world with reading to light your way to HIM… our Lord and Saviour… JESUS CHRIST!
Come “check us out” this week!