“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
~ Robert Frost ~
“The Road Not Taken”
This excerpt from my favorite poem brings many mental pictures: of fall days, backwoods, two tree-lined roads converging with leaves strewn everywhere along their paths, and most importantly, the Christian life we are called to… the Road less traveled.
At your Lamppost, we take this narrow road as well… by offering quality fiction and Gospel truth-filled nonfiction, not as the world offers, but as those things which would please HIM, our Good Shepherd who calls us to enter through the narrow gate. Have you checked out our selections? So many of you have, but for those who have not, give us a try THIS Sunday!
We have a good bit of adult and children’s fiction and nonfiction as well as some spectacular DVD courses newly arrived and you’ll find them on our FEATURED SHELVES in front of the Grand Hall, in the Atrium, and inside the Children’s Wardrobe, so be on the lookout.
Another thing to be on the lookout for is one of our most favorite congregation events… our ANNUAL MEMBERS’ BOOK SALE… coming up on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3rd from 9:30 to 12:30 in the Garden Atrium! More details forthcoming in future midweek updates; mark your calendars and stay tuned.
So, my fellow brother or sister in Christ, as we walk through this life with a sense of (Word of the Week) XENIZATION, let us concentrate ourselves on quality… in our work and play and you’ll find a bit for both in your reading pursuits at your Lamppost.
Lighting up your world with reading as we light your way to HIM… our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS! Come “check us out” this week!