June 23 – Day 6
“And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment.” Revelations 21:6
Two days until the start of VBS 2018! It is almost here! We get so excited about the beginning of things, but here is an amazing fact. God does not have a beginning. Nor an end. Crazy to think about, but it is true! God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit (the Trinity) have always been around. ALWAYS. The concept is just too much for our human brains, but the important thing to remember is that God was not created, but He created you and knows all about you. He made your beginning and your end. And everything in between! In Rev. 21:6 stated above, God calls Himself the “Alpha and the Omega”. That means the beginning and the end. It is capitalized because it is another name for Him and it covers EVERYTHING. He provided life for you because He LOVES you. Why else would He? There is no one better to put your full faith in, trusting Him with your present and future life. This year in Time Lab VBS, we will learn how much Jesus has been around—at Creation, in the Old Testament, the New Testament, the present and in the future! He knows you intimately, and He has placed you in this moment in time for a reason. If you have Jesus in your heart, follow Him today and live with Him in heaven in the future!
Have you invited Jesus to be in your heart now? If you have, you can be assured of an amazing future with Him! If not, and you want Him in your life, washing away your sins, then ask Him in! Now is the time!
Lord, thank you for being our Beginning and End. You have always been with your children, taking care of us and showing us the way. We pray that each child at VBS will see your presence, and will want to walk in your Way. Please watch over all of us as we share your love and learn more about you! In your precious and Holy name, Amen.
Kristie Hucks