“Resolution One: I will live for God.
Resolution Two: if no one else does,
I still will.”
~Jonathan Edwards~
As a general rule, your librarian makes only one resolution each year: NOT TO MAKE RESOLUTIONS, but these are two I shall strive to keep, (only with God’s enabling,) every day of this New Year. And though I am sure I will fall (Word of the Week) WOEFULLY short more days than not, it is indeed the loftiest aim to shoot for us as believers, is it not?
As 2017 unpacks itself with many personal challenges already on my horizon, one more resolution comes to mind: to continue to provide you, Faithful Readers, with the finest books, media, and programs to light up your world with reading in an effort to light your way to our Lord and Savior, JESUS!
To that end, you’ll continue to see new nonfiction and fiction on our shelves as well as “oldies but goodies” in books, family –friendly DVDs, books on CD, courses on CD and DVD. Currently on display are a number of Bible study aids and devotionals by such favorites including Rick Warren, Gordon Fee, and Elisabeth Elliot.
Also up on the schedule for 2017 are more AUTHOR AUTOGRAPHINGS, CHURCH FAMILY MOVIE NIGHTS (stay tuned….one coming soon!), ANNUAL MEMBERS’ BOOK SALE, CHILDRENS’ SUMMER READING CLUB, and more!
And while on the subject of children, a reminder that THE LAMPPOST IS ACCEPTING ONLY CHILDREN’S AND JUVENILE’S NEW OR GENTLY USED BOOKS AND MEDIA RIGHT NOW, so as you’re cleaning out in the New Year, keep your friendly neighborhood Lamppost in mind! If you have anything in the way of adult fiction or nonfiction, I respectfully ask you to hold onto it for a bit while we continue to sort and classify!
So, cheers to another year, by God’s grace, of good reading, fellowship, and worshiping the ONE TRUE GOD at your Lamppost!